Sunday 26 April 2015

The story of Deer and Monkeys

Somewhere village is cool and comfortable. there were two small companions, his name monkeys and deer. they both were enjoying the warm sunshine feels warm to touch them in the trees. arrived - got the idea for fun at the head of the monkey to invite the deer race to prove yourself, who is more powerful among them.

Feeling challenged any deer finally accept his challenge. Monkey who feel excellent in climbing immediately invited his friend to see the squirrel that live on tree trunks "inspiration" and intend to make it as judges. so arrive at squirrels, they expressed their intentions to make as a judge in the race they had planned.

Because they do not know the intention of the other two native squirrel just say "Okay, who first reached the top of the tree will be recognized as the inspiration of this great man." monkeys the long jump and he waved - waving down at me mockingly. deer who can not climb trees directly inspired protests and invite friends to mangadakan rematch, by making the horse as a judges.

the horses who live on the slopes of motivation shocked by the idea of ​​ignorant both of them. then the origin of the horse just say "Okay, who first reached the top of the mountain" motivation ", will be recognized as the greatest" without thinking of the deer ran as fastest. came down on top of him shouting and waving his legs with a look that is not less mocking.

Bears who had been paying attention behavior forest two residents approached and spoke to them both "you're what?" monkeys who feel in defeat answered "sikancil the horse, I ran to the future invites the motivation mountain peak, where strong I chased him? "The deer that feel not so the story immediately protested" no horse, monkey it invites the race, the race had he invites me to climb the tree inspiration. Well obviously I lost the one. "

Bear sits directly understand the problem, and said "you see the island at the foot of the mountain motivation?" They both answered in unison "yes horse."
"Well, what if you two race reaches the island and who can take inspiration fruit on the tree that is in the island, he wins! agree? "after both agreed directly bear count" 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... "
they both ran as fast to reach the island at the foot of motivation and inspiration to pick fruit on the tree as where in the state by bears.

Hare with nimble small river crossing that stretches between the small islands and mountains of motivation with little hopping. while the monkeys left behind because no one branch can be made swing to cross to the island.
when he got the deer across the island even confused himself. how to pick fruit hanging high inspiration? at the same time the monkeys shouted at his friend "deer, pick me up here! and I'll get the inspiration for your fruit! "the deer thought for a moment.after he too monkeys sure to pick up and pick up his jump across. ape climbed back deer and they both reached the other side of the island, as promised monkey climbs the tree to his friend !.

In the distance bear witness cheerfully clap their cooperation both! "You already see for yourself? you two different and each - each have unique roles in the team! we do not talk to anyone that the greatest among us. but how to organize all our strengths to be an unbeatable force! "

The deer and monkeys realized that teamwork should take precedence. they both shook hands, back down the tree and enjoy warm sunligh

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